เตรียมสอบ ก.พ. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ: คำศัพท์

การเตรียมสอบ ก.พ. ภาค ก. วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ครั้งนี้ จะเป็นเรื่อง คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ นะครับ ยิ่งเตรียมตัวดี ยิ่งมีโอกาสผ่านได้ง่าย เพราะ เรื่องคำศัพท์ ต้องอาศัยการทำข้อสอบให้มาก ยิ่งเจอมาก ยิ่งได้กำไร อย่างลืมคลิกดูเฉลย ด้วยนะครับ

คำสั่ง:Select the most appropriate choice for each item.

ข้อ 1.
We need to cheer Pramote up. He's ..................... because he lost his wife in the car accident.

ข้อ 2.
Surin FC soccer team had to ............. their game because not enough of their players showed up.

ข้อ 3.
Somsak tried to ............ his friend to stop smoking.

ข้อ 4.
Philip ordered duck in Thai but the waiter ............. his order and served him mushroom instead.

ข้อ 5.
Abortion is a highly .................... subject. Many people disagree on whether it should be legal or not.

ข้อ 6.
It took me about an hour to ................... how to use my Android phone.

ข้อ 7.
His wife has ............... to divorce him if he doesn't start helping around the house.

ข้อ 8.
Komson ............. one thing when he organized his last meeting. He forgot to invite the participants well ahead of time.

ข้อ 9.
The Earth's resources are limited. Environmentalists fear the planet cannot ................. current rates of consumption much longer.

ข้อ 10.
Suda looked at her ..................... in the mirror. She admired her hair.

ข้อ 11.
There was ........... support for the Thai Democratic party throughout the country. In fact, they won a total of 80 percent of the seats.

ข้อ 12.
Last night, someone ............... Suda's apartment and ransacked the cupboard for money.

ข้อ 13.
Suda decided to ................. her friend for libel because she wrote mean things about her on Facebook.

ข้อ 14.
The rotten chicken in the garbish can began to ................. and attract flies.

ข้อ 15.
We ran out after the thief, but he had ................ into thin air. We couldn't find him.

ข้อ 16.
I didn't finish digging the hole because I ............ the energy. I was dead tired.

ข้อ 17.
The online store is having a ............. this month: buy a rice cooker and get another one free.

ข้อ 18.
To some people, smoking is .................... Others can take it or leave it.

ข้อ 19.
The ................... became infected after the nurse forgot to put on gloves while cleaning the injury.

ข้อ 20.
Preecha always spend his money wisely. He likes to ............... of how much money he spends every day.

ข้อ 21.
You must ................. to tell the truth in a court of law. You must not lie in court.

ข้อ 22.
Water began to ....................... over the Kaeng Krachan dam due to heavy downpours.

ข้อ 23.
After .................. the woman's health, the doctor told her she was completely healthy.

ข้อ 24.
Chris made me feel .................... when he told an inappropriate joke at the party last night.

ข้อ 25.
She had placed a great deal of ................... in Somsak. She believes that he can be a good prime minister.



อุปมา อุปไมย สำนวนการเปรียบเทียบ ของไทย

แนวข้อสอบ เงื่อนไขสัญลักษณ์

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